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by Unknown

1.MMTS train timings Falaknuma to Lingampally 









Jamai Osmania

Arts College



James Street







Hitech City



47149 47150 47151 47153 47152 47154 47211 47155 47165 47156 47157 47198* 47214 47158* 47169 47160 47216 47161 47162 47163 47164 47218 47166 47207 47167 47203 47220 47170

05:00 05:40 06:25 06:50 07:30 07:55 08:30 09:12 10:02 10:35 10:55 11:00 11:35 12:10 13:02 13:27 14:40 15:15 16:10 16:50 17:40 18:00 18:50 19:15 19:47 20:45 21:00 21:40

05:03 05:43 06:28 06:53 07:33 07:58 08:33 09:15 10:05 10:38 10:58 11:03 11:38 12:13 13:05 13:30 14:43 15:18 16:13 16:53 18:03 18:53 19:18 19:50 20:48 21:04 21:43

05:07 05:47 06:32 06:57 07:37 08:02 08:37 09:17 10:07 10:42 11:02 11:07 11:42 12:17 13:07 13:34 14:46 15:22 16:17 16:55 17:45 18:05 18:55 19:20 19:52 20:50 21:06 21:45

05:09 05:49 06:34 06:59 07:39 08:04 08:39 09:19 10:09 10:44 11:04 11:09 11:46 12:21 13:09 13:36 14:48 15:24 16:19 16:57 17:47 18:07 18:57 19:22 19:54 20:52 21:08 21:47

05:11 05:51 06:36 07:01 07:41 08:06 08:41 09:21 10:11 10:46 11:06 11:11 11:48 12:22 13:11 13:38 14:50 15:26 16:21 17:00 17:49 18:10 19:00 19:25 19:57 20:55 21:11 21:49

05:15 05:55 06:40 07:05 07:45 08:10 08:44 09:25 10:15 10:50 11:10 11:16 11:52 12:26 13:15 13:42 14:54 15:30 16:25 17:05 17:53 18:16 19:05 19:30 20:00 21:03 21:16 21:53

05:19 05:59 06:44 07:09 07:49 08:14 08:48 09:29 10:19 10:54 11:14 11:20 11:56 12:29 13:18 13:46 14:58 15:34 16:29 17:10 17:57 18:18 19:08 19:33 20:03 21:05 21:18 21:56

05:21 06:01 06:46 07:11 07:51 08:16 08:50 09:31 10:21 10:56 11:16 11:23 11:58 12:32 13:20 13:48 15:00 15:36 16:31 17:12 18:01 18:20 19:10 19:35 20:05 21:07 21:20 21:58

05:23 06:03 06:48 07:13 07:53 08:18 08:52 09:33 10:23 10:58 11:18 11:25 12:00 12:34 13:22 13:50 15:02 15:39 16:33 17:15 18:03 18:22 19:12 19:37 20:07 21:09 21:22 22:00

05:25 06:05 06:50 07:15 07:55 08:20 08:54 09:35 10:25 11:00 11:20 11:27 12:02 12:36 13:27 13:52 15:04 15:42 16:35 17:16 18:05 18:24 19:14 19:39 20:09 21:11 21:24 22:02

05:32 06:12 06:57 07:25 08:02 08:35 09:02 09:44 10:35 11:07 11:32 11:55 12:07 12:42 13:34 14:00 15:15 15:55 16:42 17:27 18:17 18:32 19:24 19:47 20:19 21:18 21:45 22:15

05:38 06:18 07:03 07:29 08:08 08:40 09:08 09:50 10:41 11:15 11:38 12:01 12:13 12:47 13:38 14:04 15:19 16:01 16:48 17:32 18:20 18:36 19:30 19:52 20:23 21:23 21:56 22:19

05:40 06:20 07:05 07:31 08:10 08:42 09:10 09:52 10:43 11:17 11:40 12:03 12:15 12:49 13:40 14:06 15:21 16:03 16:50 17:34 18:22 18:38 19:32 19:55 20:25 21:25 21:58 22:22

05:43 06:23 07:08 07:36 08:13 08:45 09:13 09:56 10:48 11:20 11:46 12:06 12:18 12:54 13:44 14:10 15:25 16:06 16:53 17:38 18:28 18:44 19:35 19:57 20:29 21:29 22:02 22:25

05:45 06:25 07:10 07:38 08:15 08:47 09:15 09:58 10:50 11:22 11:48 12:08 12:20 12:57 13:46 14:12 15:27 16:09 16:55 17:40 18:30 18:46 19:37 20:00 20:31 21:31 22:04 22:28

05:47 06:27 07:12 07:41 08:17 08:49 09:17 10:00 10:52 11:24 11:50 12:10 12:22 13:00 13:48 14:14 15:30 16:11 16:57 17:42 18:33 18:49 19:39 20:02 20:33 21:33 22:06 22:30

05:50 06:30 07:15 07:44 08:20 08:52 09:20 10:03 10:55 11:27 11:53 12:14 12:25 13:03 13:51 14:17 15:33 16:14 16:59 17:45 18:36 18:53 19:42 20:05 20:35 21:35 22:09 22:33

05:52 06:32 07:17 07:46 08:22 08:54 09:22 10:05 10:57 11:29 11:55 12:17 12:27 13:05 13:53 14:19 15:36 16:16 17:01 17:47 18:38 18:55 19:44 20:07 20:37 21:37 22:11 22:35

05:56 06:36 07:21 07:50 08:26 08:58 09:26 10:07 10:59 11:33 11:57 12:19 12:29 13:08 13:56 14:21 15:38 16:20 17:03 17:52 18:42 19:00 19:48 20:11 20:41 21:41 22:13 22:39

06:00 06:40 07:25 07:54 08:32 09:01 09:32 10:11 11:04 11:37 12:01 12:22 12:33 13:12 13:59 14:25 15:41 16:24 17:05 17:56 18:46 19:17 19:52 20:16 20:43 21:43 22:15 22:42

06:05 06:45 07:30 07:58 08:37 09:05 09:37 10:16 11:10 11:42 12:07 12:27 12:35 13:18 14:05 14:30 15:46 16:30 17:11 18:03 18:51 19:20 19:57 20:21 20:48 21:48 22:20 22:47

06:10 06:57 07:40 08:10 08:45 09:20 09:50 10:30 11:20 11:50 12:20 12:40 12:50 13:25 14:15 14:40 16:00 16:40 17:25 18:12 19:00 19:25 20:05 20:30 21:05 21:55 22:30 23:00

2.MMTS train timings   Lingampally to  Falaknuma





Hitech City







James Street



Arts College

Jamai Osmania







47171 47173 47213 47174 47175 47176 47177 47178 47212 47179* 47189 47180 47181 47215 47182* 47183 47184* 47185 47186 47217 47187 47210 47188 47190 47191 47219 47192 47193 47159 47194

04:50 06:20 06:50 07:10 07:45 08:35 09:00 09:27 10:05 10:45 11:35 12:00 12:40 13:00 13:20 14:26 14:50 15:20 16:10 16:25 17:10 17:45 18:10 18:35 19:15 19:35 20:10 20:30 21:00 21:45

04:54 06:24 06:55 07:14 07:49 08:40 09:04 09:32 10:09 10:49 11:39 12:04 12:44 13:04 13:24 14:30 14:54 15:24 16:15 16:29 17:14 17:49 18:14 18:39 19:19 19:40 20:14 20:34 21:04 21:49

04:59 06:29 07:01 07:19 07:56 08:45 09:09 09:37 10:14 10:54 11:46 12:09 12:49 13:09 13:29 14:34 14:59 15:29 16:20 16:34 17:19 17:54 18:18 18:44 19:24 19:45 20:18 20:39 21:09 21:54

05:03 06:33 07:05 07:23 08:02 08:48 09:13 09:40 10:18 10:58 11:50 12:13 12:53 13:13 13:33 14:38 15:02 15:33 16:24 16:38 17:23 17:58 18:22 18:48 19:27 19:49 20:22 20:43 21:13 21:58

05:05 06:35 07:09 07:25 08:05 08:52 09:15 09:42 10:20 11:00 11:52 12:15 12:55 13:15 13:35 14:40 15:04 15:35 16:26 16:40 17:25 18:00 18:24 18:50 19:29 19:51 20:24 20:45 21:15 22:00

05:07 06:37 07:11 07:27 08:07 08:55 09:17 09:45 10:22 11:02 11:54 12:17 12:57 13:17 13:37 14:42 15:06 15:37 16:28 16:42 17:27 18:02 18:26 18:52 19:31 19:53 20:26 20:47 21:17 22:02

05:10 06:40 07:14 07:30 08:09 08:57 09:20 09:48 10:25 11:05 11:57 12:20 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:45 15:09 15:40 16:30 16:44 17:30 18:05 18:29 18:55 19:34 19:55 20:29 20:50 21:20 22:05

05:12 06:42 07:17 07:32 08:11 09:00 09:22 09:50 10:27 11:07 11:59 12:22 13:02 13:22 13:42 14:47 15:11 15:42 16:32 16:46 17:32 18:07 18:31 18:57 19:36 19:57 20:31 20:52 21:22 22:07

05:14 06:44 07:19 07:34 08:13 09:03 09:24 09:52 10:29 11:09 12:01 12:24 13:04 13:24 13:44 14:49 15:13 15:44 16:35 16:49 17:34 18:09 18:33 18:59 19:38 20:01 20:33 20:54 21:24 22:09

05:19 06:49 07:24 07:39 08:18 09:06 09:29 09:56 10:33 11:11 12:05 12:29 13:09 13:29 13:49 14:54 15:18 15:49 16:39 16:53 17:39 18:15 18:38 19:04 19:42 20:05 20:37 20:59 21:29 22:14

05:21 06:51 07:26 07:41 08:20 09:10 09:31 10:00 10:35 11:13 12:07 12:31 13:11 13:31 13:51 14:58 15:22 15:51 16:43 16:55 17:41 18:18 18:42 19:07 19:44 20:08 20:39 21:01 21:31 22:16

05:32 07:07 07:42 07:57 08:28 09:20 09:47 10:12 10:52 11:32 12:20 12:47 13:27 13:47 14:07 15:12 15:35 16:07 16:57 17:12 18:00 18:32 18:57 19:22 20:05 20:17 20:50 21:30 21:42 22:27

05:37 07:12 07:47 08:02 08:32 09:25 09:52 10:17 10:57 11:37 12:26 12:49 13:32 13:52 14:12 15:17 15:42 16:12 17:02 17:17 18:05 18:37 19:02 19:27 20:10 20:22 20:57 21:35 21:47 22:32

05:39 07:14 07:49 08:04 08:34 09:27 09:54 10:19 10:59 11:39 12:28 12:51 13:34 13:54 14:14 15:19 15:44 16:14 17:04 17:19 18:07 18:39 19:04 19:29 20:12 20:24 20:59 21:37 21:49 22:34

05:41 07:16 07:51 08:06 08:36 09:29 09:56 10:21 11:01 11:41 12:30 12:53 13:36 13:56 14:16 15:21 15:46 16:16 17:06 17:21 18:09 18:41 19:10 19:31 20:14 20:26 21:01 21:39 21:51 22:36

05:43 07:18 07:53 08:08 08:38 09:31 09:58 10:23 11:03 11:43 12:32 12:55 13:38 13:58 14:18 15:23 15:48 16:18 17:08 17:23 18:11 18:43 19:15 19:33 20:16 20:29 21:03 21:41 21:53 22:38

05:48 07:23 07:58 08:13 08:43 09:36 10:03 10:28 11:08 11:48 12:38 12:58 13:44 14:01 14:23 15:28 15:53 16:23 17:12 17:28 18:16 18:47 19:23 19:38 20:21 20:34 21:06 21:46 21:58 22:43

05:51 07:26 08:01 08:16 08:46 09:39 10:06 10:31 11:11 11:51 12:40 13:02 13:46 14:04 14:26 15:31 15:55 16:26 17:14 17:31 18:19 18:49 19:26 19:41 20:23 20:37 21:08 21:49 22:01 22:46

05:53 07:28 08:03 08:18 08:48 09:41 10:08 10:33 11:13 11:53 12:42 13:04 13:48 14:06 14:28 15:33 15:57 16:28 17:16 17:33 18:21 18:51 19:28 19:43 20:25 20:39 21:10 21:51 22:03 22:48

05:55 07:30 08:05 08:20 08:50 09:43 10:10 10:35 11:15 11:55 12:44 13:06 13:50 14:08 14:30 15:35 15:59 16:30 17:18 17:35 18:23 18:53 19:32 19:45 20:27 20:41 21:12 21:53 22:05 22:50

05:59 07:34 08:09 08:24 08:54 09:47 10:14 10:39 11:19 11:57 12:47 13:11 13:54 14:12 14:34 15:39 16:01 16:34 17:22 17:39 18:27 18:57 19:34 19:49 20:29 20:45 21:14 21:57 22:09 22:54

06:05 07:40 08:15 08:30 09:02 09:52 10:25 10:40 11:25 12:02 12:50 13:17 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:45 16:05 16:40 17:30 17:45 18:40 19:02 19:37 19:55 20:35 20:50 21:20 22:15 22:30 23:15

3.MMTS train timings   Lingampally to  Hyderabad





Hitech City






Necklace Road



47126 47127 47128 47129 47130 47131 47132 47133* 47134* 47135* 47136* 47137* 47138* 47139 47140 47141 47142 47143 47144 47145 47146 47147 47148

05:40 06:00 07:00 07:25 08:10 08:45 09:15 09:55 10:35 11:05 11:50 12:15 12:50 15:00 16:00 16:55 18:00 18:25 18:55 19:55 20:50 21:45 22:30

05:44 06:04 07:04 07:29 08:14 08:49 09:19 09:59 10:39 11:09 11:54 12:19 12:54 15:04 16:04 16:59 18:04 18:30 18:59 19:59 20:54 21:49 22:34

05:49 06:09 07:09 07:34 08:19 08:54 09:25 10:06 10:45 11:14 11:59 12:23 12:59 15:09 16:09 17:04 18:09 18:35 19:04 20:04 20:59 21:54 22:39

05:53 06:13 07:13 07:38 08:23 08:58 09:27 10:10 10:48 11:18 12:04 12:27 13:03 15:14 16:13 17:08 18:13 18:39 19:08 20:07 21:03 21:58 22:43

05:56 06:16 07:16 07:41 08:25 09:00 09:29 10:12 10:51 11:20 12:06 12:29 13:06 15:17 16:16 17:11 18:16 18:42 19:11 20:10 21:06 22:01 22:47

05:58 06:18 07:18 07:43 08:28 09:03 09:33 10:17 10:53 11:23 12:09 12:32 13:08 15:19 16:18 17:14 18:18 18:44 19:13 20:12 21:08 22:03 22:49

06:01 06:21 07:21 07:46 08:31 09:06 09:36 10:19 10:56 11:26 12:12 12:36 13:12 15:22 16:21 17:17 18:21 18:47 19:16 20:15 21:11 22:06 22:52

06:03 06:23 07:23 07:48 08:33 09:08 09:38 10:21 10:58 11:28 12:14 12:38 13:14 15:24 16:23 17:19 18:23 18:51 19:18 20:17 21:13 22:09 22:55

06:05 06:25 07:25 07:50 08:35 09:13 09:42 10:23 11:00 11:30 12:16 12:40 13:16 15:26 16:25 17:21 18:25 18:55 19:20 20:19 21:15 22:11 22:57

06:10 06:30 07:30 07:55 08:40 09:15 09:46 10:28 11:05 11:35 12:21 12:42 13:20 15:31 16:30 17:26 18:31 19:00 19:25 20:25 21:20 22:15 23:01

06:12 06:32 07:32 07:57 08:42 09:17 09:48 10:30 11:07 11:37 12:23 12:47 13:22 15:33 16:32 17:29 18:33 19:02 19:27 20:27 21:22 22:20 23:04

06:14 06:34 07:34 07:59 08:44 09:20 09:50 10:33 11:10 11:40 12:26 12:50 13:24 15:37 16:34 17:32 18:35 19:05 19:29 20:29 21:24 22:22 23:06

06:20 06:40 07:40 08:05 08:50 09:30 10:00 10:40 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:00 13:40 15:45 16:40 17:35 18:45 19:10 19:40 20:40 21:30 22:25 23:10

4.MMTS train timings   Hyderabad to  Lingampally 





Necklace Road






Hitech City



47100 47101 47102 47103 47104 47105 47106 47107 47108 47109* 47110* 47111 47112 47113 47114 47115 47116 47117 47118 47119 47120 47121 47122 47123 47124 47125

05:10 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:45 08:12 09:05 09:40 10:10 10:50 11:25 11:50 13:10 14:25 15:10 15:45 16:05 17:05 17:45 18:05 18:55 19:35 20:00 20:55 21:40 21:50

05:13 06:03 06:33 07:03 07:48 08:15 09:07 09:43 10:13 10:54 11:28 11:53 13:13 14:28 15:13 15:48 16:08 17:08 17:48 18:08 18:59 19:38 20:03 20:58 21:43 21:53

05:15 06:05 06:35 07:05 07:50 08:17 09:09 09:45 10:15 10:56 11:30 11:55 13:15 14:30 15:15 15:52 16:10 17:11 17:50 18:10 19:02 19:41 20:05 21:00 21:45 21:55

05:17 06:07 06:37 07:07 07:53 08:19 09:11 09:47 10:17 10:58 11:32 11:57 13:18 14:32 15:17 15:54 16:12 17:13 17:52 18:12 19:04 19:43 20:07 21:03 21:48 21:57

05:22 06:12 06:42 07:11 07:57 08:23 09:17 09:52 10:22 11:02 11:37 12:02 13:22 14:37 15:22 15:56 16:16 17:16 17:56 18:17 19:09 19:47 20:20 21:07 21:52 22:02

05:24 06:14 06:44 07:13 07:59 08:25 09:19 09:54 10:24 11:04 11:39 12:05 13:25 14:39 15:24 15:58 16:18 17:19 17:58 18:19 19:11 19:49 20:23 21:09 21:54 22:04

05:26 06:16 06:46 07:15 08:02 08:27 09:21 09:56 10:26 11:06 11:41 12:07 13:28 14:41 15:26 16:01 16:20 17:22 18:00 18:21 19:14 19:52 20:25 21:11 21:57 22:06

05:29 06:19 06:49 07:18 08:04 08:30 09:24 09:58 10:29 11:09 11:44 12:10 13:30 14:44 15:29 16:04 16:23 17:26 18:03 18:24 19:17 19:55 20:28 21:14 22:01 22:09

05:31 06:21 06:51 07:20 08:06 08:32 09:26 10:00 10:31 11:14 11:46 12:12 13:32 14:46 15:31 16:07 16:25 17:28 18:05 18:26 19:20 19:57 20:31 21:16 22:05 22:11

05:35 06:25 06:55 07:25 08:09 08:36 09:30 10:04 10:35 11:17 11:50 12:16 13:36 14:50 15:35 16:09 16:28 17:32 18:08 18:30 19:25 20:01 20:33 21:19 22:08 22:15

05:39 06:29 07:00 07:30 08:12 08:40 09:34 10:09 10:39 11:21 11:54 12:20 13:40 14:53 15:39 16:13 16:31 17:36 18:11 18:34 19:29 20:04 20:37 21:21 22:10 22:19

05:44 06:34 07:04 07:36 08:15 08:44 09:39 10:14 10:44 11:28 11:59 12:25 13:45 15:44 15:59 16:18 16:36 17:40 18:16 18:39 19:35 20:10 20:41 21:25 22:14 22:24

05:50 06:40 07:15 07:45 08:28 08:55 09:45 10:25 10:55 11:35 12:05 12:35 13:50 15:05 15:50 16:30 16:45 17:48 18:20 18:45 19:45 20:20 20:45 21:35 22:20 22:30


HYDERABAD: commuter rail commuter town from Manoharabad and Medchal on NH-7, Bhongir and Bibinagar on Warangal highway and Shamshabad on Bangalore highway can expect to benefit from the services of trains MMTS over the next two years.

This is made possible with the state government and the railways have agreed to form a new company or a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to extend the multimodal transport system (MMTS) service from the network of existing 43 km to 109 km. In addition, a proposal is underway to connect 42 new stations to install MMTS.And mmts train timings are always comfortable to passengers and mmts train timings fixed by south central railway and more over according to the mmts train timings ,passenger had more trains in less time.if they miss any train they can catch next train and mmts train timings sheet is placed in every station.

                         The MMTS train timings are currently operating between Lingampalli - Hyderabad ( 28 km) and Hyderabad - Falaknuma (15 km) in the stations .

On average, about 27,000 passengers use the MMTS train timings daily , which fetches Rs 1.25 lakh for the railways .

Officials are hopeful that once the service is fully operational , revenue would go four times .

MMTS project director NVS Reddy told The Times of India , once the new roads are opened for trains , the more people use the service and hope that it would reduce the burden on the roads.

According to Reddy , the road Manoharabad - Secunderabad Ramakrishnapuram cover 43 km , Bolaram , Medchal . This line is expected to cost Rs 102 crore. The road Secunderbad - Falaknuma to Shamshabad will be extended . There will be five stations and the upgrading of the road to install MMTS cost Rs 56 crore.
                                                                mmts train timings video

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